Consent Form
Please Read and Submit with Booking
Consent Form for Treatment
Energy Healing is a therapy that is done to promote healing of the energetic body that is in all of us. Therefore, energy healing therapies such as Reiki, Emotion Cody or Body Code may help us spiritually and mentally, as well as physically. It is essential that you, the client, understand that no energy healing therapy can be accepted as a replacement for prescribed or necessary treatment, but complimentary treatment. Energy therapy is not meant to diagnose or medically treat any illness or condition. Further I understand that releasing emotional baggage or other energy may result in a processing time, where echoes of the released energy may result in processing time, where echoes of released energy may manifest in temporary physical or emotional discomfort, and this is normal (crying, anger or extra sleeping but not limited to) this is just rebalancing of the system. I agree fully to release my practitioner from and against any and all claims of liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with these methods. I understand that by purchasing a session, I fully consent to participating in the methods of energy work and release.